Safety Library – Flagger

Flagger clothing requirements for Washington State

The Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT), the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), and the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) all require that workers who are on foot in a work zone and may be exposed to vehicles or equipment wear high-visibility apparel.

Washington has a few requirements that go beyond what is stated in the MUTCD.

Here are the specific requirements for flagger apparel in Washington.

During daylight hours (with clear visibility):

  • An ANSI/ISEA 107 Class 2 or 3 vest or jacket. Approved colors in Washington are fluorescent yellow-green, fluorescent orange-red, and fluorescent red.
  • A high-visibility hard hat that is white, yellow, yellow-green, orange, or red.

During hours of darkness (or low-visibility):

  • An ANSI/ISEA 107 Class 2 or 3 vest or jacket in approved color (see above).
  • ANSI/ISEA 107 Class E lower garment.
  • A high-visibility hard hat in an approved color (see above) with 12 square inches of retroreflective material placed to provide 360 degrees of visibility.

Hours of darkness are defined as ½ hour before sunset to ½ hour after sunrise, or during other low-visibility conditions such as snow, fog, heavy rain, etc. (See WAC 296-155-305(5)(b).)

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