Safety Library – Flagger

Flagger signaling with a red flag

MUTCD 11th edition compliant signals

Although it is recommended that flaggers use STOP/SLOW paddles to signal to traffic in work zones, some states require the use of red flags in particular situations.

Start with the right type of flag

The MUTCD states that flags shall:

  • red or fluorescent orange/red in color
  • a minimum of 24 inches square
  • fastened to a 36-inch staff
  • weighted so that the flag will hang vertically even in heavy winds
  • retroreflectorized if used at night

(MUTCD 6D.03)

Use the proper the signals

To STOP road users with a red flag:

Face road users and extend the flag staff horizontally, so that the full area of the flag is visible hanging below the staff. The free arm should be held with the palm of the hand above the shoulder-level, toward approaching traffic.

To tell road user to PROCEED with a red flag:

To direct stopped road users to proceed, lower the flag and motion with your free hand for road users to proceed. Do not wave or motion with the flag.

To tell road users to SLOW DOWN using the flag:

Face road users and slowly wave the flag in a sweeping motion from shoulder-level to straight down, without raising your arm above a horizontal position. Keep your free hand down.

These signals are covered in Figure 6D-1 in the MUTCD 11th edition.

Learn more about flagger signals and how to safely set up a work zone in our Online MUTCD Flagger training!

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