Pilot Car certification

Pilot/Escort Vehicle Operators (P/EVOs) accompany Oversize Loads to help them and others stay safe on the road. Become part of a growing industry by getting certified as a pilot car operator in one of our online or in-person training classes.
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Pilot Car courses

Pilot Car with an Oversize Load

P/EVO | Washington State certification | Live online and in-person courses

Our 8-hour live online course makes earning your Washington State pilot car certification simple and convenient. In-person classes are also available at select locations.
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WITPAC certification | Blended course

Take your career to the next level with WITPAC (Wind Industry Transportation Professional Advanced Certification). Our convenient and effective online course combines self-directed and live online training. In-person classes are also available at select locations.

Private Safety Training Classes

Have a whole crew to train? With on-site training, one of our experienced instructors will train your staff at your facility.

About our Pilot Car program

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What are the requirements to be a pilot car driver?

Fourteen U.S. states require training and certification for pilot car operators. The Washington State card is accepted in many of these. In order to earn this certification, you will need to be over 18, possess a valid driver license, attend our 8-hour training course, and pass the exam. Washington P/EVO cards are valid for 3 years.

Learn with the best

Offered both in the classroom and online, our 8-hour course covers the latest industry standards and best practices established at the state and federal levels.


What should I do if I lose my Flagger certification card?

As long as your certification is valid, you may order a replacement card by filling out this form. There is a $20 fee. Note that many of our certification cards are printable, meaning that you receive a PDF copy of your card upon course completion, which you are welcome to print and keep in your wallet. We also recommend saving the PDF on your mobile device.

How long is a Flagger certification valid for?

Washington and Idaho Flagger certifications are valid for three years.

Do I need a Driver License to become a Flagger?

You do not need a Driver License. Any form of government-issued ID is acceptable.

Is the Washington Flagger class offered online?

No, the Washington Flagger class is not offered online. Per Washington State rules, these classes are only offered in person.

Is there a practice test for Flagger?

No, but you can read through the digital copy of book and try answering the review questions at the end of each chapter. You’ll receive a link to the digital copy of the book with your registration confirmation.

Can I use a translator in the Washington Flagger class?

You may, but it needs to be someone who is not a close friend or family member. Students must be able to answer the questions on their own.

What are the physical requirements/demands of a flagger?

Earning your flagger certification is only one of many things you need in order to be able to do the job of a flagger in a work zone. Here are the physical requirements set out by the MUTCD, Section 6D.01:

Because flaggers are responsible for public safety and make the greatest number of contacts with the public of all highway workers, they should be trained in proper traffic control practices and public contact techniques.

Flaggers should be able to satisfactorily demonstrate the following abilities:

A. Ability to receive and communicate specific instructions clearly, firmly, and courteously;
B. Ability to move and maneuver quickly in order to avoid danger from errant vehicles;
C. Ability to control signaling devices (such as paddles and flags) in order to provide clear and positive guidance to drivers approaching a TTC zone in frequently changing situations;
D. Ability to understand and apply proper traffic control practices, sometimes in stressful or emergency situations; and
E. Ability to recognize dangerous traffic situations and warn workers in sufficient time to avoid injury.

Flaggers are usually also required to perform additional work zone duties, so they need to have the following physical abilities:

  • Stand for prolonged periods on uneven surfaces (up to 10 hours)
  • Traverse uneven surfaces and terrain
  • Stoop, kneel, or crouch
  • Grasp, push, or pull
  • Hear warnings
  • See dangerous situations
  • Occasionally lift and/or move up to 40 pounds
  • Receive, understand, and take positive appropriate action based on information/instructions presented verbally and/or in writing

Do I have to have a photo on my Flagger card?

No, you do not need to have a photo on your card. Washington and Idaho Flagger cards are designed to be valid with a government-issued photo ID (such as a state ID card or Driver License).

What is the minimum age for Flaggers?

You must be at least 18 years of age to operate as a flagger.

Can I use my Washington, Oregon, or Idaho Flagger card in other states?

Washington, Oregon, and Idaho State Flagger cards are accepted in the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana for Department of Transportation projects.

Pilot Car articles in our safety library

Pilot car and checklist illustration

Pilot Car and WITPAC

7 Steps to Starting Your Pilot Car Career

I see a lot of people asking about becoming pilot drivers, so I thought I’d share the journey I took to get here. This path isn’t easy, and I’ve picked up some valuable lessons along the way. Here’s what worked for me—and what new pilots should be prepared for in this industry.
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Pilot Car and WITPAC

Every move begins with a pre-trip meeting

It takes teamwork, communication, to help ensure that the load you’re moving reaches its destination without incident. That’s why every Oversize Load move must begin with a pre-trip meeting.
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Pilot Car and WITPAC

Pilot/Escort Vehicle Insurance

Many P/EVOs who have realized the importance of insurance have had the unfortunate experience of being sold insurance that is not adequate to cover activities performed as a P/EVO.
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Pilot Car and WITPAC

PEVO equipment and supplies

New pilot/escort vehicle operators (P/EVOs) are responsible for acquiring their own equipment, unless supplied by an employer. The following supplies are recommended by Evergreen Safety Council, based on our Pilot/Escort Vehicle Operator Certification curriculum and the recommendations of the National Pilot Car Association. Please keep in mind that your state or jurisdiction may have additional requirements.
Wide Load

Pilot Car and WITPAC

Railroad safety for Oversize Loads

Collisions between trains and Oversize Loads are more common than you think. If your permitted route takes you over railroad tracks, including urban light rail crossings, your team will need to assess them and plan ahead in order to stay safe.
safety libabry illustrator_high pole basics

Pilot Car and WITPAC

High Pole Basics

Depending on the height of the load, the front P/EVO may need to run with a high pole. A high pole is a measuring device, mounted on the front of the lead vehicle, that is used to measure the height of obstructions along the route. The use of a high pole may be mandated on the permit(s). But even in cases where it is not required by the permitting agency, the carrier or transport team may decide that it is a good idea to run with a high pole in order to ensure the safety of the load.
safety libabry illustrator_pevo terms

Pilot Car and WITPAC

Pilot Car (PEVO) terms to know

When you begin work as a Pilot/Escort Vehicle Operator (P/EVO), you’ll need to become familiar with industry-specific terminology. This glossary includes official terms, as well as more informal lingo, that you can expect to hear and use while on the job.
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Pilot Car and WITPAC

Pilot Car Certification Test Preparation Guide

Although your P/EVO course will cover all of the information you will be expected to know on the exam, we still have students ask if they can take a “pre-test,” or sample test, so they are familiar with the format and types of questions they’ll be asked. The following sample questions may give you an idea of what to expect from the exam.

Defensive Driving

Online Training Sucks

You might be tempted to buy into these popular misconceptions about online learning. It’s true that, just as with in-person learning, online learning can have its drawbacks. But when done correctly, online learning provides many of the same benefits as–and can even be superior to–in-person instruction.